Infertility, IVF-Anten Fertility Center

Anten Fertility Center


About one in six couples may face challenges in conceiving and may need professional fertility testing to determine potential causes of infertility. A woman should contemplate fertility testing if she has actively tried to become pregnant through regular unprotected intercourse with her partner for over a year. If a woman is 35 years of age or older, she should think about fertility testing after six months of attempting to conceive.

Tests for women

  • Evaluation of ovulation and egg quality
    Blood tests can assess hormone levels and ovarian reserve (the quantity of potential eggs in a woman's ovaries), helping us optimize a woman's ovulation and the quality of eggs used in fertility treatments.
  • The patency of the fallopian tubes
    It is essential to have unobstructed and healthy fallopian tubes when trying to conceive. The fallopian tube serves as the site where sperm and egg unite for fertilization. If there is a blockage due to reasons such as scarring, endometriosis, or a prior pelvic infection, the egg and sperm cannot meet. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is the only non-surgical method for assessing the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes. However, please note that we do not perform HSGs at our clinics.
  • Evaluation of the uterus
    Conducted to facilitate the successful implantation of an embryo and ensure the continuous growth and delivery of a healthy baby, this evaluation employs ultrasound as a noninvasive method to examine a woman's reproductive system. Ultrasound aids in diagnosing anatomic issues such as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. In contrast, hysteroscopy involves the use of a small camera inserted through the cervix to visualize and diagnose polyps and fibroids within the uterus.
IVF-Anten Fertility Center

Tests for men

Male factor issues are a concern in 40-50% of couples facing fertility challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct thorough evaluations for both the man and the woman. These evaluations encompass examinations and assessments of a man's semen, including sperm concentration, motility, forward progression, morphology (shape), and the presence or absence of antisperm antibodies. Any deviations from normal in these parameters can contribute to infertility. Following the results of the semen analysis, our physicians may suggest additional testing, which could include blood tests to identify hormonal irregularities or potential genetic factors. Our physicians may also refer you to a urologist for further examination and tests, such as a scrotal ultrasound or testicular biopsy to assess and retrieve sperm. These diagnostic findings assist us in determining the most appropriate treatment strategy. Options may include in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using the man's sperm or utilizing donor sperm to achieve a successful pregnancy.

IVF-Anten Fertility Center