Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), IVF-Anten Fertility Center

Course of Treatment
Anten Fertility Center


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment technique

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment technique that involves delicately introducing purified and concentrated sperm into a woman's uterus through a thin catheter, typically timed around her ovulation period. This procedure effectively reduces the distance sperm must traverse to meet the egg within the fallopian tube, thereby, the chance of successful fertilization is increased.

In most cases, patients are prescribed fertility medication to stimulate ovulation. Our medical team will provide you with the necessary medication and closely monitor your progress through regular ultrasounds to pinpoint the optimal timing for the insemination procedure. To ensure precision, we will use hCG administration to control the timing of ovulation, aligning it as closely as possible with the IUI procedure.

On the day of the IUI procedure, your partner will provide a fresh sperm sample. This sample is prepared for insemination using a technique known as "sperm washing," which isolates a concentrated and healthy sperm quantity. During the procedure, your doctor will start by inserting a speculum to gain a view of your cervix, somewhat like having a Pap smear. Subsequently, a specialized tube designed for IUI will be used to gently introduce the prepared semen sample into your uterus. This entire process typically lasts only a few minutes and is generally painless. While some women may experience mild cramping during the procedure, and a few may have light spotting for one to two days afterward, it is generally well-tolerated.

IVF-Anten Fertility Center
IVF-Anten Fertility Center

Following the procedure, you can resume your regular daily activities, including sexual intercourse. Approximately two weeks after the insemination, you will undergo a pregnancy test to determine whether the procedure resulted in pregnancy. In the event of a positive pregnancy test, our team will closely monitor your pregnancy through a combination of bloodwork and ultrasound examinations. However, if the test yields a negative result, we will work with you to prepare for a new treatment cycle or explore alternative treatment options to achieve your fertility goals.